
Pick the right activities

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TL;DR recommendations

—Ground your activities in the goals of the session, and the target audience's expectations —How you start your session matters —Balance complexity and simplicity —Pick activities with inclusivity and cultural sensitivity in mind —Be prepared to pivot on the spot and adapt —Different activities serve different purposes: play with variety to your advantage!

The goals of the session, the audience needs and the duration of the session will influence highly the activities you pick.

No matter if you are designing a workshop, a training, or any other type of session, you can consider the following to ensure you are picking the right activities:

  1. How you start the session matters. Choose the right icebreaker and energizer to set the right tone
  2. Variety is your friend: Different activities serve different purposes. You’ll want to look for a mix of thinking and reflection times + sense making through conversations and discussions + opportunities to apply and practice (e.g. role-plays, problem-solving etc).
  3. Balance complexity and simplicity: Activities should be challenging enough to stimulate interest but not so difficult that they frustrate or alienate participants. The complexity should be appropriate for the group's skill level.
  4. Mind the accessibility: Make sure activities are accessible to participants with disabilities, specific tech requirements, extroverts versus introvert, neurodivergent participant, and consider inclusivity to ensure everyone can participate fully and comfortably.
  5. Mind cultural sensitivity: Be mindful of cultural differences that may affect how activities are received and ensure that they are appropriate and respectful to all participants.
  6. Be prepared to pivot: No matter how well you prepare, virtual sessions are often unpredictable. Have backup activities ready and be prepared to adjust on the fly based on participant engagement and feedback. Flexibility is key to a successful facilitation.

🧰 For your toolbox:

We have compiled 25 free resources libraries, toolkits and frameworks you can browse and bookmark to use as an inspiration. Remember, you will always need to adapt them to your session’s goals and target audience.

And you can always browse all the plug-and-play Butter templates here.

Also, in the Resource List above, you will find links to many more activities and tools.

Bonus: Using gamification in your design